2 Interview Q's That Suck, and How to Answer Them

Businesses hate when you apply to their job for the pay. 

It's something that used to stump me every time I had an interview, "what are you hoping to gain from the company"... when mostly, I was hoping for a paycheck.

But that's something you never admit. 

There needs to be a higher motive when you apply for a job... 

And here are two great answers you can give to this question:

1. Character Development

Think about the role and how it will shape your character.  What qualities will it bring it out in you? 

Discuss these. 

2. Skill Set

What particular skills will you gain/improve? 

Let's put these answers in a real-world example. 

I recently applied for a full-time job at my local Planet Fitness. They hire in-company if you're interested in moving up the ranks... which is something that I could benefit from in the long run. 

My answer to this question (i.e., "what are you hoping to gain from the company?") might be something like, "I want to strengthen my leadership skills, and since you consider in-house employees for promotions, I want to see how much I can grow and learn as I pursue a higher position within the company. 

This reply tells them two things... that you've done your research on the company (or paid close attention to what he/she says during the interview) and that you're ambitious. 

Both are desirable aspects an Employer looks for in an employee.

Another difficult interview question (if not the most difficult to answer), is, "name three strengths and weaknesses about yourself..." 

Here, they're testing your honesty. 

In a world where we are constantly picking at our physical appearance, pinpointing our mental weaknesses is either too hard or too scary to admit when asked point blank. 

But you need to admit something. 

I might answer somewhere along the lines of: "3 of my strengths are timeliness, a good work ethic, and a constant desire to learn. As for weaknesses, I tend to mumble and fidget sometimes, and feel I need to become a more proactive helper- as in taking the initiative to help those in need instead of expecting them to come to me- which is something this job can help me with"

Maybe you won't get this exact answer memorized (we're all different in strengths and weaknesses, so this answer should be fine-tuned to better fit you and your personality anyways) but the point stays the same:

Do not shy away from your weaknesses.

An employer wants to know you're humble enough to admit them...

But if you're worried that your weaknesses will scare them from hiring you, find a way to include how the job will help you improve this fault. 

It was because of answers like these that I got the job at PF. (I didn't take it though- a greater opportunity showed up :))

These answers could be implemented at any job interview, no matter where you're applying. 

As long as you have the necessary experience, you can get any job you want. 

Two more things to strongly consider:

  • Research the company

Look up and learn everything you can about the company you're applying to. What's their mission? What are the company values? 

  • Prepare possible interview questions
What questions might they ask that are tailored to their company? How does your experience fit well into what they're looking for? 

I hope this advice guides you well. If there are any other interview questions you want answers to, leave them in the comments below. 

Wishing you the best, 

Skylan Abraham of the Bucket Digest

P.S. here's a cool, 3-minute pep talk video I found on YouTube to help calm your nerves: 


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