Why I Write, by Andrea Geones
Originally published on Words Between Coasts. Why I Write by Andrea Geones I set my fingers on the keyboard, the familiar keyboard with the little bumps on the F and J, my muscle memory automatically curling my fingers over the keys, poised in the usual position, and my fingers twitch as my mind struggles, drawing a blank. Why do I write? I thought this would be an easy question, but it’s one of those things that is so clear in my mind, but so difficult to put to paper. So, I ask myself again… Why do I write? I guess I write for that very reason. I write to get my ideas onto a piece of paper in a cohesive, organized way. To describe in admittedly self-gratifying imagery the world I have built. To see what my characters see, touch what my characters touch, smell what my characters smell, taste what my characters taste, hear what my characters hear. I write to inform others on a subject, and to inform myself on the same subject. To get a better understanding of something, and hope tha