What Makes You So Special, Huh?
What Makes You So Special, Huh? Written by Andrea Geones of Words Between Coasts. “What makes you unique?” This has been the aggravating question that has plagued my life. “What sets you apart?” “Why are you different?” “What makes you special?” I’ve always struggled to find an answer to this ostensibly simple sentiment. It’s not that I am unable to find anything valuable in myself; it’s that I’m unable to find anything valuable in myself that is singular to me. The seed of striving for uniqueness was planted in my head from a very young age. Its roots quickly took hold and I found myself reaching for unrealistic expectations. And, not unrealistic in the new-agey, hippy-dippy negative connotation of the word that people use as a scapegoat reason for not chasing their dreams, but for things that I literally, in reality, will be unable to achieve. I remember being in my first play and imagining myself being the youngest person ever to win an Oscar, when, in reality, I’d already surpass